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XDC Network (XDC)

What is XDC Network? How much potential does it have? Where can you buy it? And compare its price movements with the world's most popular crypto.

Gate.io has XDC coin listed

XDC price 3 hours ago
EUR Price
XDC price changes
  24h change
-7.21 %
  Change in one week
-8.41 %
  14-day change
-2.96 %
  Change in one month
-27.25 %
  200-day change
-25.1 %
  Change in one year
-7.76 %

  All Time High
€0.165 (-79%)
  All Time Low
€0.000352 (+9540%)

Details about XDC Network cryptocurrency

Crypto name
XDC Network
Crypto symbol
Amount of exchanges
27+ (click to see list)
Market cap
€471,299,063 ( -7.26591%)
Total supply
Circulating supply
Liquidity score
Interest score
Maximum growth
Maximum price
These numbers are based on our maximum profit calculator, which simply calculates how much could the crypto THEORETICALLY grow BEFORE it would have to become more popular than Bitcoin.

XDC Network price charts

14 days
30 days
200 days
1 year

   XDC exchanges

You can buy XDC Network from the exchanges below.




Hover to see full list   
1) BigONE
2) Bitfinex
3) Bitget
4) BitMart
5) Bitrue
6) Bittrex
8) BuyUcoin
9) Bybit (Spot)
10) CEX.IO
11) Changelly PRO
12) CoinDCX
13) CoinEx
14) Digifinex
15) FMFW.io
16) Gate.io
17) HitBTC
18) Hotbit
19) Huobi
20) Indodax
21) KuCoin
22) Liquid
23) Mercatox
24) Probit (Korea)
25) ProBit Global
26) STEX
27) XT.COM

XDC Network, the crypto

XDC Network (XDC) is a blockchain protocol that aims to provide fast, secure, and efficient transactions for businesses and enterprises. It is based on the Ethereum blockchain and uses its smart contract technology to enable trustless transactions and other complex operations.

The point

The main point of XDC Network (XDC) is to provide a scalable and secure infrastructure for businesses and enterprises to run their operations on. It aims to overcome the limitations of traditional blockchain protocols, such as low transaction speeds and high fees, by using a unique consensus algorithm and other innovative features.

The problem

XDC Network (XDC) tries to solve the problem of scalability and efficiency in blockchain networks, which has hindered their adoption in the enterprise world. It aims to achieve this by providing fast and secure transactions at low costs, and by enabling businesses to easily design and deploy their own custom decentralized applications (dApps) on the network.

We used an AI to answer three questions about XDC, so take this info with a grain of salt.

Compare XDC and BTC performance

1h change0.826919 %-0.169309 %
24h change-7.21 %-1.20662 %
7 day change-8.41 %-2.69718 %
14 day change-2.96 %0.385303 %
30 day change-27.25 %-9.85211 %
200 day change-25.1 %128.662 %
Year change-7.76 %120.111 %

How big was XDC Network trading volume within the last 24h?
XDC Network (XDC) last recorded volume was € 16846900.
How much has XDC Network price changed during one year?
XDC price has changed during the last year -7.76 %.
Is XDC coin close to its All Time High price?
XDC all time high price (ath) is €0.165. Its current price is €0.0339701. This means that the difference between XDC Network (XDC) All Time High price and XDC current price is -79%.
What is the maximum price XDC Network (XDC) could VERY theoretically reach?
XDC has a current circulating supply of 13,911,370,834. Based on our calculation XDC could reach up to €83.6201 before it would have to overtake Bitcoin. So in theory the potential for growth is 2462x its current value (€0.0339701). However, keep in mind that the coin's actual potential is based on the value it provides to the user. So this is just a logical maximum potential price calculation for XDC Network and in no way is it a prediction of any kind, far from it.
Where can you buy XDC Network?
XDC Network is currently listed on at least these crypto exchanges: Gate.io, Bitfinex, Bittrex, KuCoin, Bybit, Bitrue, Indodax, CoinEx, Huobi, Bitget, FMFW.io, HitBTC, Mercatox, CoinDCX, BitMart, STEX, Hotbit, CEX.IO, ProBit Global, DigiFinex, XT.COM, Changelly PRO, BKEX and possibly some others.