Cryptolorium crypto portfolio tracker overview
Cryptolorium offers a simple yet feature-rich crypto portfolio manager which helps you track all your crypto investments in one place. I created this simple online portfolio tracker initially just for myself, but the project grew into something bigger, and now this free crypto portfolio tracker is available for everyone.
How does this free cryptocurrency portfolio tracker work
Cryptolorium is a manual crypto portfolio tracker. What this means is that it is not connected to any crypto wallet, or any specific crypto exchange.
You need to add all data, all your crypto buys and crypto sales here yourself. While it does mean that in order to track your cryptos and crypto portfolios you need to add all your crypto buys and sells here manually, it also means that you don't need to worry about security.
How safe is Cryptolorium online portfolio tracker?
Because it is a manual crypto portfolio tracker, we are not asking for any identifiable information from you when you sign up or even when you enter your crypto buys and sells. This means that it is totally anonymous crypto portfolio tracker that helps you keep an eye on all your crypto portfolios and cryptos without having to think about the safety.
Now, let's go on with an easy guide on how to use this free manual portfolio tracker to follow the performance of all your cryptos.
1. Sign up for free
Signing up and using Cryptolorium is free of charge. There is no premium area - what you see is what you get. You can sign up for your free portfolio tracker account by clicking here, or by navigating to the top right area of this page, click on login link and find the registration button there.
If you want to see how Cryptolorium online portfolio tracker looks before signing up, you can do that as well by using our demo user provided on the login page.
But you can also see screenshots of Cryptolorium crypto tracker in action below.
Signing up takes just 5 seconds:
- Choose your username
- Choose your password
- Choose your favorite drink and drink brand (consider this just a security question)
- Answer the main security question
- Press Register button
After that we will automatically create your account and log you in. Now that you're logged in, it's time to set up your online portfolio tracker - this won't take more than a few seconds and we'll have your tracking your cryptocurrency performance in no time.
2. Update General settings
As the next thing we recommend you to head over to the General Settings tab where you see different fields.
- "Show me only cryptos from these exchanges" and "Show me only cryptos with min volume of" are not required, but if you want to see only cryptos from specific exchanges when navigating our public crypto lists while you are logged in, this is where you would set those exchanges.
- Default currency - by default it's EUR, but you can also set it as USD if you want.
- Main email address - this is optional
- Color template - I have tried to make the look of Cryptolorium crypto portfolio tracker not hurt your eyes too much. So when you track your crypto portfolio you could concentrate on just one thing.
But as my color schemes can be sometimes somewhat funky, I created three different color templates for you to choose from.
Please note that if you would like me to create a different color template for you, feel free to reach out. However, in this case, please contact me with specific color guide, so it could be done fast. I'd be doing it for free, so it would be good to make it fast and as painless as possible for everyone involved. - Font size - you can change the font size a little big should you want to, you can choose between 0.75 up to 1.25. The default size is 1.
All these options are there for you to help personalize the crypto portfolio tracker a little more.
3. Set up your crypto portfolio (Portfolios tab)
During your registration we create your first crypto portfolio, just to get you started. You can either use that portfolio as your first one by just renaming it, or delete it, and create your first portfolio from scratch in your crypto portfolio manager area.

Whichever way you decide to go, one portfolio is required to use the crypto tracker. As all your crypto buys will have to belong to some portfolio.
- Main details - Main details include the crypto portfolio name and portfolio currency. You can also choose whether you want portfolio data be included in the totals calculation on your All Holdings page. If you have a number of different portfolios, and you don't want some of them to be included in the main totals calculations, you can set that as no.
- Email notifications - You can set up rules for when email notifications should be sent to you about this specific portfolio. Note that not all email addresses work right now (including Gmail addresses), so if this feature is important for you, I recommend you test it first. Consider this feature in testing mode for now.
- Portfolio goals - In Cryptolorium crypto portfolio manager you can also set your crypto portfolio goals (up to three goals) which would later show in your online portfolio tracker page (under All holdings tab). If crypto portfolio goals are set, they will be shown on the portfolio page in the format "10x to go" for each individual crypto. This (10x to go) would mean that to fulfil the goal, the crypto price would have to grow 1000%.
3. Add all your cryptos (All Holdings)
To track your cryptos, there first needs to be information about those cryptos, information about what cryptos you own and how much you have paid for them. So now that your portfolio is set up, it's time to start adding cryptocurrencies to your portfolio(s).

As Cryptolorium is a manual crypto portfolio tracker, you need to add your crypto holdings one by one - but don't worry, I have tried to make it as simple and fast as possible.
Assuming you already own some cryptos, you would initially be adding data about your previous crypto buys. Obviously, when you're just getting started, you might not remember when you bought something or for which amount exactly, so you'll need to try to remember that.
If you would have used Cryptolorium from the beginning, you would have that data here easily accessible!
To add a crypto, click on "Add Crypto" button.

The fields you need to fill in are Portfolio, Buy date, Crypto, amount, and fiat value you paid for the crypto.
Once you're done, click "add crypto buy".
You have just added your first crypto to your first portfolio in Cryptolorium.
You can now continue doing the same with all of your past crypto buys (and sells). That's how you can take advantage of my free portfolio tracker.
After you have added all your cryptocurrency portfolios, you are ready to track your cryptos.
4. Track how much you have spent and what's the value now
Once you have added all your cryptos in the free crypto portfolio tracker, you will be able to see data about all your holdings and track all investments in one place. I'll be going into more details under the Cryptolorium features section in a second, but just to introduce you the data you can actually see on cryptocurrency portfolio tracker page:
- Total number of cryptos
- Biggest winners during the last 24h
- Biggest loser during the last 24h
- Current value of your portfolios
- Money invested
- Change %
Cryptolorium free portfolio tracker gives you overview of all your holdings as well as also same data about each portfolio you have added here.
So you can really track all your crypto investments in one place.
You can sort cryptos based on biggest gains or whatever else by clicking on headings.
And of course, you can track every individual crypto performance in here as well.
Cryptolorium features - keep track of your profits
While I started Cryptolorium as a barebones simple crypto portfolio tracker, it has evolved as me and other users have needed some extra features. And I believe the recommendations from real users have helped turn just good portfolio tracker into possibly the best cryptocurrency portfolio tracker out there.
At least for me.
Cryptolorium is a manual portfolio tracker, but compared to some random investment tracker excel sheet you don't need to build anything yourself. You just need to add your crypto data to track your crypto gains and losses to monitor your portfolio performance.
So now let's go through all features my crypto wallet value tracker (I mean, every good boy or girl has many names, right?) has.
When you log into your account, the first thing you will see is Cryptolorium cryptocurrency portfolio dashboard.

Your dashboard gives you info about two things - the state of your own holdings (number of cryptos, number of portfolios, current total value, change percentage) and also data about Cryptolorium (number of cryptos or crypto tokens in our database, number of new cryptocurrencies as well as the Cryptolorium Crypto Index).
So that's the overview of everything. To see the daily portfolio tracker info, you use the next section(s).
Track your portfolios performance
The 'All holdings' tab is the most important page for most of you, as that's where you can actually track your crypto trades, track crypto gains and losses. This page can get you detailed crypto performance data and give you good overview of everything.
Here you can really track all crypto in one place - everything you own, or at least all data you have added to Cryptolorium free cryptocurrency portfolio tracker.

On top of the page you can see the overview of everything, data like total number of cryptos in your portfolios, biggest winners and biggest losers. Below the portfolio name you can also see a link "Individual buys" which you can use to track crypto trades you have made in the past.
You have that button on each individual cryptocurrency portfolio dashboard tab.
Below the individual crypto buys link you can see the crypto wallet value tracker by individual cryptos.
Clicking on any table heading (e.g. Spent, 24h change, crypto gains/losses %) will reorder the data. So if you want to track all crypto investments which are in plus right now, you can just click on the % heading, and the cryptos will be ordered by biggest gains.
If you want to see cryptos that are in biggest minus compared to the money you put into them, just click the same column again.
First tab under the portfolio overview is "All portfolios" and this tab shows you combined data for all your cryptocurrency portfolios and cryptocurrencies.
Please note that if you had chosen in portfolio setup not to include some crypto portfolio in totals calculation, the data about that portfolio would not be included here.
If you want to track crypto portfolio performance individually, just click on the next tabs with your other portfolio names.
Now, let's go through the crypto performance dashboard column by column.
- Crypto - Clicking on any crypto name will open a window that will show you volume for that cryptocurrency, market cap, all time high and all time low price, and also potential max price it could grow to.
The max price shows just how much could the price of that cryptocurrency could theoretically grow until the crypto would have to become more popular than Bitcoin.
So it's just to show you the potential based on simple maths. In no way is it any prediction of any sort, just mathematical maximum potential price before the crypto would have to become the world's biggest cryptocurrency.
In the same window you can also see TradingView crypto chart, and crypto exchanges which have the cryptocurrency listed. - Amount - That's the amount of crypto tokens you own.
- Spent - This column shows you how much money you have spent to acquire that amount of that cryptocurrency. That number is in fiat currency you have selected for that portfolio.
- Now - This column of my free crypto portfolio tracker shows the current value of your crypto based on the amount and its current price. This and previous columns help you track how much you have spent and what's the value of the crypto now.
- % column - This column helps you track crypto gains and losses better and see how much is the crypto worth compared to how much you paid for it.
- Last buy - Last buy column shows you the date you last bought the crypto. But if you want to track your crypto buys over time, and you have actually made buys not one but multiple times, then all you need to do is hover over that column, and you will be shown all dates, prices and amounts you have bought it.
- Price - This column shows the current price of the cryptocurrency.
- 24h - See how much the crypto price has changed over 24h. Click the column name to order the cryptos based on biggest gainers or biggest losers in your crypto portfolio during the last 24h.
- Updated - Here you can see when the crypto price was last updated in Cryptolorium. Sometimes there can be problems with price updates, and here you can just make sure the price you see is updated price, or not.
- Notes (and sales data) - This column serves two functions. Firstly, clicking on it will allow you to leave a comment about that crypto to yourself. Secondly, hovering the column will show you the times and prices when you have sold the crypto.
- Goals - Good portfolio tracker should also make it possible to set yourself goals if you wanted to. So if you set your portfolio goals under Portfolios, then the goals columns will be here, showing how far you are from reaching your goals.
Note that goals can be set per portfolio. And that same goal is then set for each individual cryptocurrency. - Sell - If you sell something in your actual crypto portfolio, then always keep your Cryptolorium crypto portfolio tracker account updated, and add the crypto sell here as well.
As Cryptolorium is a manual portfolio tracker, the system wouldn't know it otherwise, and in order to track crypto gains and losses in your portfolio, that's sort of a must. Unless you just want to track the crypto price changes, but for that I created other sections in my free crypto portfolio tracker.
Quick overview
I added the quick crypto overview page (quick crypto portfolio monitor page) just for cases when I want to make a screenshot of the data to someone else, without showing them actually any numeric data about your cryptocurrency portfolio.
This page shows just the crypto names, current prices, and percentage changes, but no investment amounts. So it's sort of a minified version of your crypto portfolios page and is a very quick option to track all your crypto in once place.
Money in & out
If you want to know how much money you have invested in cryptocurrencies, and how much you have taken out (based on cryptos you have marked as sold), this section of Cryptolorium investment tracker is meant for that.

This page is not to track your crypto portfolio, but instead track your overall crypto buys and sells.
How much money you have put into cryptos during the last 30 days/12 weeks, 12 months/years and how much you have taken out. And what's your net investment in cryptos.
If you're looking for the best way to track portfolio performance over time, then this section is meant exactly for that.
Cryptolorium is creating daily snapshots of your crypto portfolio performance, as in my opinion any good portfolio tracker should, so you can track your portfolio performance over time as well.

On your "All holdings" page you can see how your portfolios are doing right now. But this portfolio performance page is sort of a crypto portfolio analysis which shows you the daily changes - here you can track how much the value of your cryptocurrency holdings has changed, and on this page the free crypto portfolio tracker also shows you the percentage you're in plus or minus.
You can see the change of all your portfolios combined, or you can track your portfolio performance for each portfolio you have.
Or you can also use it as a crypto coin tracker and see how the value of any individual crypto in your possession has changed.

You can see both its value change as well as track your daily gains or losses.
Portfolio P&L
This section is the newest addition to my crypto portfolio tracker. This is not about the current value of your cryptos. Instead, here you can see how much money you have invested in cryptocurrencies compared to how much you have sold them for / taken out.

For example, if you have put in 100 euros, and taken out (sold) for 150 euros, the P&L would be 50.
Or if you have bought cryptos for 150 and sold cryptos for 50, the P&L would be -50.
It doesn't count the cryptos that you still have, but haven't sold.
So this page just gives you info on how much money you have put in vs how much money you have taken out.
This page does not track your portfolio performance, but shows you your personal money figures.
This simple crypto portfolio tracker also makes it easy to follow the price of specific cryptocurrencies (that you might or might not yet own). Sometimes you don't want to buy anything (yet), but maybe you just want to keep an eye on some crypto projects.
So this Watchlist page is sort of your personal crypto coin tracker.
This is how it works:
- You add cryptos you want to follow
- Current price is then automatically saved, so that the crypto performance tracker could later know if the price has gone up or down compared to the start of the 'watch'
- Next you have the option of setting the action price. That's the price where you might want to either buy or sell the crypto. Or just consider it.
- Once the action price is reached, you can then go to your portfolio in the cryptocurrency exchange and make the buy/sale. Once that's done, don't forget to log in to the best crypto tracker again, and save the sale.
Buy ideas
The crypto buy ideas page is very similar to the watchlist page, but this is the best place to track crypto you don't own yet.
It's up to you how you decide to use these two pages - but this section might be the best crypto coin tracker for coins you don't own yet. At least that's how I'm using it.

But as said, you can choose yourself what you decide to use for what.
Crypto bots
Now we get to secondary features of my cryptocurrency portfolio tracker. And one of those is crypto bots.
If you sometimes use crypto bots to turn profit, then you can add data about them in here. Information about the bots themselves, and also how much you invested in them.
It can help you track your crypto bot results and evaluate crypto bots performance.
It's not perfect, but by the end of the day, it might give you a good overview of how much money you have made or lost with the bots.
Smart Rebalance bots
If you have added at least one smart rebalance crypto bot, then you will also see smart rebalance bots category.
You can update the data about the bots then and evaluate smart rebalance crypto bot performance.
For this feature to be useful, you should update data regularly to track performance. I myself do that roughly every couple of weeks. Sometimes more often.
If you have multiple bots running, this helps to evaluate which smart rebalance strategy might be the best, and which timeframes, crypto types, might not work as good.
You need to update just the amount of coins you have, the price will then be added automatically.
Find volatile cryptos
Everything you can see under "Discover" subsection is not related to your own cryptos anymore and is nothing about tracking the performance of your cryptocurrency portfolios. Rather, these pages are meant for finding cryptos to trade short term or most volatile crypto for day trading you could use for crypto bots.

Volatile cryptos page helps you find most volatile cryptos for day trading - meaning, volatile altcoins that have changed the most (most often) during the last week, month(s), but which haven't lost much of their value during that time.
So while it's sort of experimental, you might find the best fluctuating cryptocurrency here.
Find cryptos moving in opposite directions
Opposite cryptocurrencies page is sort of similar to the one above. Except for one thing - here it shows cryptocurrencies that have had the most days of opposite movements during the last 30 days.

These crypto pairs can be then potentially used for smart rebalance trading bots.
To be listed here, both cryptos need to be volatile altcoins with prices changes at least 1% and more.
Find cryptos moving sideways
Sideways trading cryptos are cryptocurrencies that move a lot in both directions, but by the end of the day, the price hasn't changed much during the last 20 days. That's one way to find the best fluctuating cryptocurrency.

These sideways trading cryptos can again be good options for different types of crypto trading bots.
What else does Cryptolorium offer?
While the main focus of Cryptolorium is all about helping you track your cryptocurrencies by offering you access to free crypto portfolio tracker and help you keep an eye on the performance of your crypto portfolios, that's far from all.
Cryptolorium strives to be a hub about everything cryptocurrency related - basically everything I feel is important for me, might also be valuable for some of you.
So in addition to the free crypto portfolio tracker, Cryptolorium offers crypto exchange reviews, crypto casino reviews, pages about pretty much all cryptos out there, and more.
Crypto exchange reviews
This free crypto portfolio tracker is useful only if you're into cryptos and you actually own them.

One place where you can buy and trade cryptocurrencies and create your actual cryptocurrency portfolio are cryptocurrency exchanges.
So I have put together crypto exchange reviews about some of the best crypto exchanges out there.
I have also grouped them based on what you might be looking for - whether it's the exchanges with biggest crypto selection, fiat crypto exchanges, exchanges with highest trading volume - I have tried to review them all. And I keep doing it.
Currently I have an account in roughly 90% of the cryptocurrency exchanges I have reviewed, so I mostly talk about first-hand experience.
And I use my Cryptolorium multiple portfolio tracker to monitor all my portfolios in different exchanges in one place.
I have also put together a nice crypto exchange comparison page where you can compare the exchanges with each other.
Crypto Casino reviews
During the last few years we have seen the coming of the crypto casinos. As in addition to cryptos as such, I'm also into crypto gambling, I created crypto casinos section as well.
So I have also put together a nice selection of crypto casino reviews.
Crypto casinos offer crypto payments and sort of anonymous playing experience.
Crypto coin tracker pages (including list of all new crypto coins)
Cryptolorium has pages about pretty much all cryptocurrencies out there. While these pages are not text-heavy, they give you good overview of each cryptocurrency out there.

The cryptocurrency pages provide short and quick overviews of the cryptocurrency volumes, price change percentages over time, links to the cryptocurrency homepage and twitter feeds, maximum potential info, price charts and also list of crypto exchanges where you can trade them.
For most cryptocurrencies I have also added the BTC vs crypto changes table, just so you could compare the performance of any cryptocurrency to Bitcoin's performance.

Crypto calculators
Sometimes you could use a good crypto calculator. At least I would. For that I have created a number of crypto calculators for different purposes - from crypto APY calculators to smart rebalance bot return calculator (based on my own real-life data) and more.
Crypto lists
Are you interested in finding cryptos near their all time low prices, or maybe penny cryptos that cost way less than a cent?
I have created a number of different always up-to-date crypto lists for that.
Or maybe you want to find cryptocurrencies in specific categories? While I haven't tagged all cryptos out there, that's sort of an ongoing job, you can see lists for AI and big data cryptos, Music cryptos, Travel cryptos and much more.
Or maybe you want to see which cryptos are available in a specific cryptocurrency exchange? You can find it all under crypto lists section. Currently there are crypto lists for more than 140 exchanges.
These lists help you find the cryptocurrencies you might be interested in, so that you could buy them, and later on track them through Cryptolorium cryptocurrency portfolio tracker. Either as part of your portfolio, or just add them to your crypto watchlist to keep track of them for potential future buys.
Crypto guides - beginners guide to crypto
As I'm myself still sort of a dumbuser when it comes to cryptocurrencies, or at least I was before I got started with cryptocurrencies roughly a two years ago, I have written a number of cryptocurrency guides for Cryptolorium while I learn about cryptos myself.
In addition to being one of the best crypto portfolio tracking website out there, Cryptolorium is sort of a full blown crypto guide in its entirety. With lots of bells and whistles, of course.
Getting started with cryptocurrency is not easy. At least not at first glance.
Initially it can all look and sound like Chinese (well, unless you are Chinese). So going through a beginners guide to cryptocurrency is sort of a must.
So these Cryptolorium crypto guides are there you help you on your road. Whether you're looking for crypto trading guide or crypto investment guide (yes, there is a difference), Cryptolorium has you covered.
There are cryptocurrency guides that help you choose the best crypto exchange, guides to help you with crypto deposits and withdrawals as well as many other beginners guides to cryptocurrency investing.
You can find the crypto guides here.
I'll be writing more specific crypto guides and publishing them on Cryptolorium as much as time allows and as I learn about cryptos myself.
You can even consider the current Cryptolorium homepage a guide about the best way to track your crypto portfolio.
Tracking your crypto investments all in one place shouldn't be complicated, and that's the idea behind this site.
Crypto offers (both from crypto exchanges, and crypto casinos)
As I'm currently the only one working with Cryptolorium, I haven't published too many crypto offers yet. But very soon I hope to start publishing more offers from crypto exchanges whenever they come out with new neat crypto campaigns or promotions. And I'll try to do the same with crypto casino promotions.
Crypto blog (about crypto trading, about everything crypto)
Let's call it what it is - my crypto blog is simply a category for all the articles that don't seem to fit perfectly to any other category.
So far I have written about crypto pump & dump schemes, copying crypto trading bots, and a post about where cryptocurrencies actually get their value.
Today in crypto - biggest winners, losers, etc
While Crypto Today is far from the most popular page on Cryptolorium site, I personally visit this page pretty much daily.
This is the page that lists all biggest winners and losers for the last 24 hours.

I have divided the page into three subsections:
- ALL crypto gains and losses - so the biggest changes in the cryptosphere today, independent of the exact volume (as long as it's at least 10k)
- Crypto Gains and losses in the top 500 cryptos
- Biggest gains today in all cryptocurrency exchanges I have reviewed
So this page can help you track crypto gains and losses without having to look for that data. It's not part of the free crypto portfolio tracker members area, but it's accessible for everyone visiting this page without having to log in.
Crypto Index - our own altcoin index
Just a little after I created Cryptolorium, I also created a crypto index for myself that tracked the performance of roughly 70 cryptocurrencies in my own portfolio.
It's called CCI (Cryptolorium Crypto Index) and it started from 100 points.
Some of the cryptos in that list have actually died, others I don't own anymore, but the index put together of this list of cryptos still gives pretty good idea of how the market is moving.
Every morning I check the CCI number and I pretty much know how the crypto market is doing currently without even having to open the crypto portfolio monitor page.
Get started with cryptocurrencies with the help of Cryptolorium
Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile and by no means are there any guaranteed profits.
In that sense crypto markets are similar to any other financial market.
But unlike pretty much any other financial market (except possibly Forex), it is possible to make a lot of money in a matter of just days or maybe months.
And when I say a lot, I mean not earn back 100% profit, but 300%, 1000% and more. Top crypto traders are able to achieve that either by HODLing (that's what this free portfolio tracker is good for) or by making smart trading decisions.
After you have started your crypto journey, Cryptolorium tries to offer you the best way to track investments by providing you free access to my personal portfolio tracker.
A word of caution
Before you continue your journey through the always growing crypto station called Cryptolorium, please keep in mind that trading cryptocurrencies involves significant risk, and you should only use money you can afford to lose.
Never invest your food money or the money you need for rent. Never take a loan to buy your favorite cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrencies can bring you big rewards, but big rewards never come without significant risks. So even if you need money quickly, stay sane and never take more risks than you are able to handle.
Crypto for beginners – 10 things to do before getting started with cryptos
- Bookmark website
- Learn about cryptos. Make sure you understand the basics of trading cryptocurrency.
- Put aside some money
- Find the best site for trading crypto, best crypto exchanges through Cryptolorium crypto exchanges page, and sign up
- Find a wallet and install it
- Make a plan and decide to stick to it
- Read crypto news and keep doing it
- Find top crypto Youtube channels and subscribe to them
- Make sure you’re comfortable with the risk involved
- Start buying cryptocurrencies
- Create Cryptolorium account to keep track of all your investments in different cryptocurrency exchanges as well as crypto wallets.
How can Cryptolorium help you?
I created Cryptolorium initially just for myself – it all started with just the account area, because I wanted to have more information about my crypto holdings than any crypto exchange offers.
Initially I was just using Binance, and I wanted to keep track of crypto portfolio there. The fact is that no crypto exchange offers you good enough crypto tracking tools. At least they are normally not enough for me.
Soon I started investing in other crypto platforms as well and now I wanted to track my investments across multiple portfolios and do it all in one place.
I did check out some of the other altcoin portfolio trackers I could find, but me being me, I wasn't really too fond of any of them.
So I created the best portfolio tracking tools for myself - the same tools that are now available to you.
While in one hand Cryptolorium is a simple portfolio tracker, so far most of the people who have started using it, say it's one of the best app to keep track of cryptocurrencies that they have found so far.
From my side, I agree (not being objective here by no means!), but it obviously depends on what you are looking for exactly.
Cryptolorium offers you a free Cryptolorium crypto account which allows you to keep an eye on all of your cryptos, track your crypto portfolio performance, and much more.
I'm mainly using Cryptolorium myself to track all my investments in one place and I've tried to make it as simple as possible to track my portfolio performance for each and every portfolio I have.
While there are different crypto portfolio trackers out there, for me Cryptolorium is the best way to track performance of multiple portfolios and have an overview of everything on one page.
I'll be adding new features as I find them useful, or as they are requested by other users.
If you have comments, or suggestions, feel free to get in touch.
Cryptolorium - the best crypto portfolio tracker
If you want to track all investments in one place, and do it using one of the best portfolio tracking tools out there (obviously I'm not being objective here, as I already mentioned, but I personally love it), sign up for free and start using Cryptolorium portfolio tracking tools today.